
      中软的面试比较经典,也比较严格,一般有四轮,类似于微软的面试。中软面过以后,根据项目组,会推到美国微软那边运用live meeting & con-call 再面一次。以下是我的面试题及个人的小分析,拿出来和大家share一下。希望更多的人能过这个坎。如有什么问题,可以一起交流。直接进入主题:

 1. English communication. (sale yourself, project information, your interesting,and how to deal with problem    you encounter etc.)

 2.  the using of key words "new".

     Regarding this problem, you can refer to my other blog with this path: new . or you can get more information from interNET.

3.Write a method which can remove the same unit from a Array which has been sorted.

//在排序好的数组中移除相同的元素public int [] RemoveCommon(int [] a)
if (a.Length==0)
return a;
<int> Result = new List<int>();
int i , j;
= j = 0;
int temp = a[0];

while (i < a.Length)
if (a[i] != temp)
= a[i];
// convert List to Array
    return Result;            

